Tuesday, February 05, 2008

just kidding

about that other car. turned out, after going through the dealer's shop, that it needed major suspension work. enough to exceed the value of the car. oops.

this is what happens when you get the 'so fresh it hasn't been inspected yet' vehicles.

so, they kept their eye out for us. we came by another time, for another dud, but in the end, we ended up scoring this baby from another dealer entirely:


well, imagine that with 4 doors instead of 2, but yes, that's our little cutie pie and we're totally in love with it so far. a 96 p0ntiac grand @m that just floats along the road.

also, some progress in the medical dept for min, in terms of doctors and trust me that had been a disaster. we lucked into a new, wonderful fellow who's doing a fabulous job taking care of her. not hard to beat the idiots who'd been on board the last few weeks. :-p

in other good news, i had a job interview monday. a single one instead of the many i'd been getting last month, but better than zero. think healthy employment thoughts, eh? i sure need 'em.


Dharma said...

Sending you good job vibes. I know I've been asking for them, so it's time give some.

heather said...


wen said...

hmmm, i got a duplication error when i tried to post. and of course it ate my comment like a delicious dq sundae.

so, to recap...

nice wheels! does she (he?) have a name yet?

good job vibage coming your way!

heather said...

thanks wen!

actually all our cars inherit the same name: spot. it was the name of the first car we had together (due to adorable rust spots), and try as we might, no other new name will stick. also we got a teeny stuffed jersey cow around then, who became the car's mascot/namesake, further solidifying "spot" as the name of all cars to come. :-p

gs said...

Good vibes being sent for the job interview!

heather said...

thanks gs, i'll take that for hopefully upcoming ones! ;-)

liz2d2 said...

Sending all the love of our Lord Jesus and his band of bearded friends to help you out.

He does suggest that a statue of himself on your dashboard might give you that extra bit 'o luck...

gs said...

Oh, I thought today was interview day.

heather said...

liz: will keep my eye out for a buddy jesus, good idea!

gs: no worries. vibes are good for more than a 24 hour period, methinks. =)

snarfdog said...

Good deal on the car, Min's medical stuff, and other things turning around for you guys. All this leaves is the job which is sure to follow. It has to - a trend has been started.