Wednesday, March 26, 2008

and now, some minor word amusement

in the Incredibly Pleased With Myself Department: i used the word mahogany in a sentence today. a Serious sentence, mind you. but still, FlagSelfAmusementEnabled.

in the Thank God You Don't Spellcheck Department: i read a submission today with the phrase "terror fying". as in, "terror fying screams". because as everyone knows, only seriously scary screams are the result of unadulterated terror fying. also, terror fying is the #1 cause of giggling in my cube.


Viv said...

And now, thanks to that terror fying spelling, I am giggling in my cube too.

heather said...


gs said...

When I first read it, I saw "terror frying," which immediately conjured an image of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre except with sizzling frying pans on flaming stoves instead of chainsaws.

I suppose terror fying is the opposite of terror defying.

heather said...

yes, i suppose terror frying would be the tale of a psychotic line chef. good thinking!

Dharma said...

Go you for mahogany. Too funny on the spell check thingy.