Friday, December 01, 2006

you talkin to me?

if you are a prospective employer, apparently this is the day to talk to me. because i was contacted directly about 3 different jobs today. and i'm not talking about random recruiter spam. i'm talking about:

- contacting me randomly about a position *actually* targeted to my very specific interests,
- giving me a supplemental test/application, sent to all the 'top applicants' , or
- phoning me for an initial but lengthy interview!

the killer part about the first one is, the job was posted on craigslist a few weeks back and somehow i totally missed it and didn't apply. but that's ok, they realized the oversight and contacted me about it. SWEET.

seriously, a great way to end an insanely long week at work. oh, and that min should be home sometime tomorrow is also a nice capper. ;-)


Dharma said...

Tres cool my dear.

Wyatt's Mom said...

Hey! Nice job...err, I mean good task. Oh hell,

You go girl (now didn't that sound like a stupid blast from the past). Hey if you're leaving your current job maybe you'll pass 'em my resume ;)